Solve Wet Basement Problems in Iowa with WCI

Water in the Basement Causes and Solutions for Wet Basements Heading downstairs to do a load of laundry and discovering water can really ruin your day. The flooding of Iowa basements can occur at any time and it can happen in every home, even if your basement has never had water before. Most flooding happens […]

Are Window Well Covers All I Need to Protect My Egress Windows in Iowa?

Are Window Well Covers All I Need to Protect My Egress Windows in Iowa? Maintaining a Safe Window Well Area We all are aware that an egress window is an essential part of your Iowa basement’s living space. As set by the National Building Code, all basement bedrooms are required to have at least one […]

Add Living Space to Your Iowa Basement with Egress Windows

Add Living Space to Your Iowa Basement with Egress Windows Egress Windows Are a Necessary Safety Requirement Safety is the main reason for installing egress windows in your Iowa basement and are also required in order to comply with various building codes and regulations. When egress windows are installed they are usually accompanied by a […]

Autumn in Iowa means Cleaning your Gutters to Protect your Foundation

Gutter Cleaning 101 Gutters clogged from the falling autumn leaves can lead to standing water around your foundation. Gutters are a part of a system that moves water away from your roof and home. Homeowners need to be aware of the damage that can occur from clogged gutters. When water is not drained properly away […]

What is a Trench Drain, and How Can it Benefit your Iowa Home?

 Getting to know a Trench Drain A trench drain, also referred to as a French drain, is a trench that is filled with gravel or rock and a perforated pipe that redirects surface water and groundwater away from a home foundation. This system for water drainage was popularized by a lawyer in Massachusetts by the […]

Structural Repair for Sinking and Settling Foundations in Iowa

Know the Signs of Sinking and Settling Foundations Foundation sinking and settlement can occur in your Iowa home or business due to the changing moisture content that occurs in the Iowa soil beneath  your foundation. Iowa has expansive soil that will heave when it is extremely wet and shrink when dry. As the soil continues […]

You are Your Iowa Home’s Best Advocate – Inspect your Basement and Foundation Today

Help Protect Your Home from Foundation Cracks and a Wet Basement Do you have foundation cracks in your Iowa home? Do you have water leakage in your basement? Droughts could be the cause. Droughts in Iowa are not only hurting crops and lawns, they are destroying your home’s foundation. Hot, dry soil conditions cause the […]

Crack Repair for Basements and Foundations in Iowa

Cause of Cracks and Crack Repair options for Basements in Iowa Basement wall cracks are often the first sign that your home has foundation settlement. They are caused by soil-related issues such as poor drainage around your home. If water doesn’t drain properly, it accumulates next to the foundation and creates soil expansion. This produces […]

Spring can Mean Wet Basements in Iowa

What are we in for after this Iowa Winter? Iowa’s weather can be unpredictable, especially during the winter months. Temperatures may rise and fall giving you little time to protect your home from the damaging affects of snow and ice. As spring approaches, the snow and ice begin to melt. This causes water to accumulate […]

Maximize Your Storage Space with a Dry Crawlspace

Wet Crawlspace Means No Storage Space A wet crawlspace can become a big problem to not only the structure of your home, but to the health of everyone living there. Crawlspaces are dark and usually have poor ventilation. With the addition of moisture, it becomes an ideal space for mold to grow. Mold and mildew can […]