Damaged and Settling Foundation

Settling Foundation

Settling Foundation Repair

It is quite common for houses to settle, but when they do it can cause serious problems. There are a couple of factors, however, that affect the severity of the settlement. It is important to pay attention to the foundation and the ground atop which the house was built.

What Causes Foundation Settlement?

The most common reason for settlement is improperly backfilled soil. If too much soil is dug out for a basement and requires the area to be backfilled, then the loose soil which was placed as backfill will not hold the house as properly as the undisturbed soil.

Other factors for settlement include the types of soil homes are built on. Some soils accelerate settlement more than others, so it’s important to know what kind of soil your home rests on and it’s strengths and weaknesses.

One last major issue is tree roots, if tree roots get under your basement they can affect the soil compaction. All of these issues should be addressed by professionals, like those at WCI Basement Repair.

What Are Common Signs of Settling Foundation?

There are many easily recognizable signs of foundation settlement in your home. Keep on the lookout for:

  • Windows and doors sticking or becoming misaligned. 
  • Cracks in basement walls, slabs, and drywall.
  • The pooling of water at the base of your foundation.
  • Floors may become uneven and unlevel, sloped, or become cracked. 

How to Repair a Settling Foundation

The experts at WCI Basement Repair have methods of preventing your home from settling any further. With the latest techniques and products, we will do all that we can to ensure the safety of you and your family.

  1. One of our products is the helical pier. These piers are installed around the foundation of your home and are intended to relieve pressure on basement walls. Helical piers are drilled into the ground until they reach bedrock, then they are used to help lift and support the foundation.
  2. Similar to helical piers, push piers are also load-bearing products. They are driven into stable soil and support the foundation. 
  3. We use steel push piers to support your home to replace the support that was lost with your original soils. These piers act like stilts to stabilize a settling foundation. They lift and hold your home’s structure at the original design of elevation. 

Trust WCI Basement Repair 

We are your foundation settlement repair experts in Iowa with years of experience and high-quality products. If you are struggling with the effects of a settling foundation, give WCI Basement Repair a call today for a free quote!